“Felaket başa gelmeden evvel, onu önleyecek ve ona karşı savunulacak gerekleri düşünmek lazımdır. Geldikten sonra dövünmenin faydası yoktur.” Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK (1920)
• AİY501: Disaster and Humanitarian Aid Management
• AİY501: Afet ve İnsani Yardım Yönetimi
• AİY504: Karşılaştırmalı Afet ve İnsani Yardım Yönetimi
• AİY504: Comparative Disaster and Humanitarian Aid Management
• KPY506: Kent Mekan ve Kültür
• KY510: Kent ve Çevre Politikaları
• KY517: Afet Yönetimi
• PS547: Environmental Politics
• POLS320: Urbanization and Environment
Disaster management, urbanization, environmental problems, local goverments
- Experience in project management in national and international projects on disaster management, urban, environmental issues and local governments
- Experience in coordination and organization of national and international conferences, symposiums and workshops
- National Development Plans, action plans and strategy documents preparation experience
Field Editor in Resilience Journal
Responsible for Disaster Management and Climate Change Module within the scope of Supporting the Common Efforts in the Field of Climate Change Project conducted by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization•
ASBU Department of Political Science and Public Administration Member of Academic Incentive Application and Review Commission
Membership of TMMOB Landscape Architecture Chamber
For a more livable world, she is focused on city, environmental issues and disaster management.